
I'm Rayhan.

I'm an engineer

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circular photo of Rayhan


My name is Rayhan, I'm a recent engineering graduate from the University of Sydney. In my free time I like to learn new skills and keep active.

Some of my hobbies include: bouldering/free climbing, photography and music. Currently i'm working on editing media I took on my grad trip of asia.

My Skills.

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Throughout my time studying engineering I've taken every chance I've got to upskill in new languages and learn new stacks. I'm quite comfortable with Python, MATLAB, VBA, and am working on my full stack skills. After getting more comfortable with back-end development, I plan to learn more about cloud computing.



I pride myself on my communication abilities and think this is something that is undervalued in engineers. I've made every effort to improve my public speaking skills and interpersonal skills through volunteering, pro-bono projects and opportunities at the University of Sydney.

Get In Touch

Have any questions? Feel free to contact me:

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